Thursday, September 22, 2011

Eighteen months of Bunny!

September 22, 2011

Bunny turned eighteen months old on September 20!  She is turning out to be quite an awesome little lady (I don't know who she gets that from :)  Arrow is honestly the funniest kid I have ever been around, she is constantly cracking Jerry and I up.  She cracks herself up all the time when she's playing, it's almost like she and her toys have inside jokes.  One thing Bunny does that she finds indcredibly funny is to run away from me while we are shopping.  I usually let her get out of her buggy to walk around for a little bit and the moment those tiny legs hit the floor she takes off.  She's already laughing before her other foot hits the ground.  I will definitely have to post a video of her "running" it's quite hilarious.

Arrow's favorite toy right now is any kind of ball.  In her opinion anything and everything round is a ball, including canteloupes, christmas ornaments, pumpkins, onions, every time we hit the produce section she yells "ball ball ball." 

 I love her sweet little voice and she has just started to sing.  My mom, my little sister Makayla and I took her to see the Lion King the other day. While it was a long shot (and one we won't be taking again until she's ready) she made it through 3/4 of the movie, and every time a song came on she sung her little heart out. ♥  She is such a fun kid!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pasta and Laundry

May 31, 2011

So far Arrow has quite the pallet, she eats everything and anything.  The two things that she loves the most is asparagus and pasta.  I actually felt bad this week, she had pasta for lunch six days in a row!!! That was simply lack of communication on Mommy and Daddy's part.  Luckily for us she didn't mind!  Every time she eats asparagus she goes "mmmmm" and signs for more.  I hope beyond all hope that she carries her willingness to try all food for the rest of her life, I DO NOT want to raise a picky eater.

Bunny is obsessed with laundry baskets these days.  Mainly to push around, store her toys, sit in, climb in and out of, and for me to push her around while she sits in it. Could this be a sign that we won't have to get on her when she's older about doing her laundry???  A mommy can dream I suppose!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bunny steps!

May 2, 2011

My little hopper started walking recently and hasn't looked back since.  With this new found freedom she has also learned the word "no" as we are saying it every two seconds when we see tiny arms reaching for things they shouldn't, or for trying to swing monkey style on her pack n play.  So far it looks like she has my lack of grace, but it could also be the bulky diaper that makes her a little on the clumsy side.  Before Bunny was born Jerry and I had a conversation about what we hoped and dreamed for her.  One thing I wished is that Arrow will be able to dance way better than her parents.  Her walk is already a little on the sassy side and every once in a while she'll throw a smile at me and shimmy her shoulders the way my mom taught me to so long ago to Kool and the Gang.

It's been a sad week in our house as we lost our beautiful Bailey Marie.  Our sweet pound puppy gave my family and I twelve wonderful years of love and loyalty.  She was a Redbone Coonhound a touch of Rhodesian Ridgeback, with a penchant for cheese, chocolate when she could get her paws on it, and well to be honest, anything that was in the fridge.  I am so thankful that she hung around long enough for Arrow to become friends with her although I wish it could have been longer.  She was my first baby and she stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on her and she greeted me with a big wet sloppy kiss.  She picked me the day that I walked into the pound and I thank God that she did.  It's hardest for me right now when I am feeding Bunny and there's not a small horse eagerly waiting for whatever is tossed on the floor.  What's funny is that since the day that we brought Arrow home when it was time for me to give her her night feeding and put her down, no matter what, the moment I laid down with her Miss Bailey Beepers needed to go outside...I really miss that now when it's time to put Bunny down.  Bailey girl will forever be in my heart and I can't wait to tell Bunny stories of her first doggie.

Bailey Marie Beepers 3/18/99-4/29/11
We will love and miss you always

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Birthday Bunny!!!

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you my sweet little Bunny!!! My beautiful Bunny girl turned one on Sunday March 20th and what celebration it was!  We had two parties that day and both were absolutely Bunnyrific! 

Jerry and I started out Sunday morning giving Bunny over a million good morning happy first birthday kisses, put on a fancy tutu dress and made our way to Ninny and Pop Pop's house. We had a wonderful lunch, opened a ton of presents and then we gave Bunny her first taste of cake. (I made her a cake that was supposed to resemble an could pass as one I guess.) She LOVED it!!! She was skeptical at first, she took her time to examine it, and then there was no taking it away after that! To top it off Bunny's awesome Pop Pop made her an amazing cookie cake from scratch in the shape of a Bunny!!!

    We spent the afternoon with Jerry's family, opened even more wonderful gifts and then we all went out for pizza and even more cake! After dinner we stopped at Bunch beach to watch the sunset and enjoy the amazing weather.  It was a perfect way to end the day. 

And ten days later we did it again!

It was a wonderful afternoon with lots of family, friends, food and even more presents and even more cake! Bunny didn't know what to think at first, but after a few minutes of being passed around so everyone could get a quick hug and kiss, she saw that Mommy was still there and put her party face on!  Bunny and Daddy had a great time opening presents, but then again those two always have a great time together. ♥
I still can't believe that my beautiful Arrow is one year old!  She is the sweetest, funniest, bunniest girl in the world!!! We are so blessed!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eleven Months of Bunny Love

February 20, 2011

Eleven months ago today you were born! So in honor of this glorious occasion here are eleven fun facts about Bunny.

1.)  You say "dada" in your sleep every night.
        (it is too cute for me to be jealous)

2.)  Whenever you touch something you use your
       middle finger idea where you got
       that from!

3.)  You have slept with us since the day you
      were born, and since the day you were born
      you have had one leg on me while you slept.

4.)  You are a snack thief, I am constantly
      wrangling chips, pretzels, or popcorn
      from you.

5.)  You are also a remote control thief, and have
       been since the first month.

6.)  You have stinky feet.  Stinky like a man stinky.
      That is a mystery.

7.)  When you cry most of the time it sounds like
       "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and
       "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" now we
       just need to work on the "i" "o" and "u"
        (and sometimes "y")

8.)   You can't resist daddy's glasses.  There hasn't been a
        time in his arms that you haven't snatched them off.

9.)   When you don't want to go into your
        pack n play your legs become as stiff 
        as Titanium. Superman couldn't get you to sit  
10.)  You grind your teeth. It is the only annoying thing
         about you.

11.)  You very rarely put your head on anybodys
         shoulder.  You do it for me, but only when you
         are super tired.  It is the best feeling that I have
         ever felt in my entire life!!! 

I love love love this girl! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm on Bunny Time

February 15, 2011

It's been 334 days, 8,016 hours and 480,960 minutes since our sweet little bunny came into the world.  It feels like it's only been five minutes and yet my love for her has out grown the size of the sun.  In thirty-one short days Arrow will be turning one and I just cannot believe it.  Last year at this time I was so scared and apprehensive as to what was about to happen, I had no idea that my love for her would erase those feelings in two seconds. I'm so glad that it did!  This being my first post I'm going to give a famous "long story short" recap of the last twenty-one months of my life, I'll try not to bore you too much.

Jerry and I found out that we were expecting on July 28, 2009.  Let's just say that if you are wanting to expand your family there is something in the water at 'Tween Waters on Captiva...
The first person we told was Jerry's dad, Big Jerry, and it was not the birthday present he was expecting!
We tried to wait to tell everyone else, but Jerry and I can't keep secrets about ourselves for the life of us so everyone pretty much knew right away.  I told my parents over pecan pie and tears. The funny thing is I always imagined that my mom would take one look at me and know, but nope, it was my dad!

The first five months were not fun for me, but looking back I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, she's so worth it! After the morning sickness subsided it was pretty smooth sailing until I was around seven months, we had a pretty big scare with my lab results that there was a chance that our little girl might have Downs syndrome. Although it was the scariest thing anyone has ever said to me I knew immediately that no matter what she was mine and that my whole life would be about her.  The next few days were the longest, the most sleepless days of my life. When we finally were able to go to the Fetal Medical Center for genetic counseling and to get further testing I knew many signs to look for on the monitor.  The outcome for us, for which we are so very grateful for, a healthy baby girl, was such a blessing.  I am so thankful that she doesn't have any health problems.  However one thing that I did learn from that experience is the alarming number of people who choose to abort if their child is downs, 92%!!!! I'm sorry but that is CRAZY!!!!!  I can't tell you how many people are told that their child has a high possibility that they have it but they end up being born healthy babies! I could go on and on, but I won't, I just know that God wouldn't give me something that I couldn't handle.  The inner strength that awakens inside of you is undeniable.

When March finally came we decided to induce on the 24th, but wouldn't you know it she decided to show up early. (She must have gotten that from her daddy.)  Friday the 19th, I felt extra tired that day and took a nap, only to wake up and five minutes later my water broke, I had to call my mom to be sure that's what had happened...
I started cleaning the house like crazy, packing and repacking my bag, and calling Jerry 19 times before I could get him on the phone.  He finally made it home around seven, along with mine and Jerry's family.  They kept laughing and asking me when I wanted to go to the hospital, it was "in just a minute" for over an hour. When I called the triage they informed me that it wasn't a hotel, I didn't need reservations and to just come on in.  After we finally got set up in the delivery room, a few hours later I was ready to push. The nurse scared my pretty bad however because my blood pressure was so high the whole time they thought I was going to have a stroke.  My poor mom was petrified, and I had no idea what was going on.  Jerry was so nervous he didn't realize what was going on until way later.  Thankfully everything turned out just fine, and on March 20, 2010 at 7:59 am my sweet little Bunny arrived!

The first month was so amazing (OK every month is) we were able to spend so much time just holding her and loving her. I knew how much newborns needed to sleep but I would spend hours just staring at her waiting for her to wake up. Arrow started holding her head up just after two weeks, and preferred to keep it up whenever she could keep those big eyes open.  In the beginning of her second month she was holding her head completely up and by the third month she was already rolling over.  I'll say it, she's a genius! She was also on the colic side but in all honesty, even though she had a five o'clock meltdown everyday, it only lasted until I picked her up and held her tight so I really can't complain, I just felt bad that her tummy hurt! The next couple of months her personality really started coming out and before we knew it we not only had a beautiful little girl, but an extremely funny one too.  My favorite thing that she does is when I catch her laughing at herself when she's playing by herself...she's just like me. :)
Bunny picked up using a sippy cup, sitting, crawling, pulling herself up, and standing up with lightening speed.  Shes taken a few steps so far but she is getting a lot of practice do laps around the edge of her play yard. 

The holidays came and went by so fast but now that we have her it really seals the deal how important quality family time is.  She loves ripping paper apart so I'd say that Christmas was definitely her favorite, although it's not everyday that you get to dress up like a lobster for Arrows Lobster House!

Bunny's first word (and I really am so happy that it was) was daddy! Although my aunt Jojo informed me that this means we will definitely be having more children...
Now she says about eight words, one of which is finally mama!  The cutest thing in the world that she does is call her glow worm Bink, "baby" and then proceeds to kiss her. Oh and she claps every single time she wakes up! Man I love this kid!

So here we are only a few short days before my little turkey turns one and will get to smash her face into her very own cake. Jerry better watch out, he might get a cake in the face as well! I am so thankful to have been blessed with this little girl, the love of my life. She is the sweetest, funniest, most beautiful baby girl in my world and I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have her!
I can't wait until her party, but before that happens from now on I'll be doing weekly SHORT (and this time I mean it!) updates or stories from our Bunny life, and posting pictures for your viewing pleasure.
For now though I've got ten tiny toe nails to paint pink while she's sleeping, although I should probably be folding some clothes...oh well!